Scientific Meeting Teaching With Technology
The date of this meeting is March 5, 2024, from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM Iranian time. Virtual attendance link:
Continue ReadingThe date of this meeting is March 5, 2024, from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM Iranian time. Virtual attendance link:
Continue ReadingThe International Relations Commission of the Iranian Curriculum Studies Association in collaboration with the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of Allameh Tabatabaei University is holding a scientific session on “Human Interaction and Artificial Intelligence in Providing Feedback” The scientific session on “Human Interaction and Artificial Intelligence in Providing Feedback” will be held by the […]
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Continue ReadingReport of Second Scientific Meeting with Attendance of: Professor Tetsuo Kuramoto Shizuoka University of Art & Culture, Japan Council of the committee of Japanese Society for Curriculum Study “Exploring the initiative of the new Japanese curriculum document (2020)” December 2022 The meeting started virtually with the presence of the keynote speaker Professor Tetsuo […]
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Continue ReadingReport of Scientific Meeting “Online Education and Learning: Unavoidable Damages During the Corona Disease” The scientific meeting on “Online Education and Learning: Unavoidable Damages During the Corona Disease” with the presence of the keynote speaker Professor William Pinar, professor of all curriculum studies at the University of British Columbia, under the management of Dr. Saeed […]
Continue ReadingICSA’S Trip Report to India & South Korea India Trip In February 2011, the Curriculum Studies Association had its first group study trip to India. In this nine-day trip, universities, scientific centers and institutions related to the curriculum of education and history of India were visited. The companions of this trip were: Mr. Dr. Mahmoud […]
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